Frequently Asked Questions

  • Is health insurance mandatory?

    Under the ACA, health insurance is mandatory for all adults.

  • What is a deductible?

    A deductible is the amount you are responsible for out of pocket before insurance starts to kick in.

  • What is a copayment?

    Copayment is a fixed fee you have to pay every time you visit the doctor. Each plan will have its own copay, which can vary from plan to plan.

  • What is coinsurance?

    Coinsurance is a fixed percentage you have to pay every time you visit the doctor. Each plan will have its own copay, which can vary from plan to plan.

  • Is dental insurance covered under basic health insurance?

    This depends on the insurance plan you choose. In some cases dental is included but not in all cases. Check the details of your plan to be sure

  • Is health insurance tax deductible?

    Health insurance is tax deductible if you are self employed or have a health savings plan (HSA). Otherwise, it is not deductible.

  • Does my health insurance cover my children?

    Your insurance will cover your children until they are 25 years old. After that, they need to get their own coverage.